Download and unzip the GEOJobe-Products-MongoDB-Backup-Restore.zip file into a directory on the server.
Extract the mongodb-database-tools-windows-x86_64-100.5.2 to a folder. These include the mongoimport and mongoexport commands.
You will need to add the extracted bin directory to your PATH environment variable in order to access the mongoimport and mongoexport files:
Example path: C:\Users\YourUser\Downloads\GEOJobe-Products-MongoDB-Backup-Restore\mongodb-database-tools-windows-x86_64-100.5.2\binOpen The Control Panel
In the ‘System and Security’ category, click ‘System’
Click ‘Advanced System Settings’. The ‘System Properties’ modal will display.
Click ‘Environment Variables’.
In the ‘System Variables’ section, select ‘Path’ and click ‘Edit’. The ‘Edit Environment Variable' modal will display.
Click ‘New’ and add the filepath for the location you placed the database tools.
Click ‘Ok’ on each of the modals to confirm your changes.
In the command prompt, navigate to the extracted BMO-CMO- Backup-Restore directory and run at-export.bat, bmo-export.bat, cmo-export.bat and/or cmoscheduler-export.bat for each product you own. If you have previously created your JSON collection files from another server, copy them into the /bmocollections and /cmocollections directories respectively instead of running the export file.
Verify that the collections JSON in the /atcollections, /bmocollections, and/or /cmocollections directories have JSON files.
Install your new MongoDB Community version.
Run the at-import.bat, bmo-import.bat,cmo-import.bat and/or cmoscheduler-import.bat to restore the database collections respectively.
Install the Admin Tools, BackupMyOrg, CleanMyOrg and/or CleanMyOrg Scheduler applications to their previous file locations if needed.