Please review this guide to run Backup My org or Clean My Org as HTTPS:

Option 1 (Recommended): Using an existing IIS PFX Certificate for use with BackupMyOrg / CleanMyOrg 

  1. Export the certificate from IIS:
    a. Open the IIS Manager
    b. Click on the server name in the "Connections" pane (located left-hand side) 
    c. In the middle pane, double-click on "Server Certificates"
    d. Select the certificate you want to export
    e. Click "Export" in the "Actions" pane (located on the right-hand side)
    f. Follow the wizard to export the certificate as a .pfx file (Note: remember the passphrase you specified to protect the cert)
    g. Export the PFX to the BackupMyOrg/CleanMyOrg main folder
    (Note: if you don’t have an export option you may need to re-import the certificate to IIS with the allow export option)

  2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the BackupMyOrg/CleanMyOrg directory and type:
    backupmyorg pfx <passphrase>
    cleanmyorg pfx <passphrase>
    (Note: This will save the passphrase as an encrypted string in the MongoDB database.)

  3. In the main application directory, edit the config/nodeconfig.json file and make the following modifications:
    Note: If you are using an absolute path in your nodeconfig.json file, be sure to use double backslashes, such as "C:\\BackupMyOrg\\Certificates\certificate.pem" or "C:\\CleanMyOrg\\Certificates\certificate.pem"
    "useHTTPS": true,
      "certs": {
        "certificate": "",
        "key": "",
        "pfx": "<name of your PFX file>"

  4. Restart your CleanMyOrg server app or service, then load https://localhost:8500 or https://yourwebdomain:8500 (for BackupMyOrg) or https://localhost:8000 or https://yourwebdomain:8000 (for Clean My Org) in your browser.

Option 2: Using a key and pem file for use with BackupMyOrg / CleanMyOrg 

  1. Both a certificate and key .pem file are required. (If you need to generate these, you can do so by downloading OpenSSL at
  2. Open the command prompt in Windows
  3. Run the following commands to generate your private key and public certificate:
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in certificate.pem
  4. Once you have the cert and key files, copy them to your BackupMyOrg or CleanMyOrg main folder
  5. Edit the config/nodeconfig.json file and make the following modifications:
    1. “useHTTPS”: true,
    2. “certificate”: <name of your certificate.pem file>,
      “key”: <name of your key .pem file>
      Note: If you are using an absolute path in your nodeconfig.json file, be sure to use double backslashes, such as "C:\\BackupMyOrg\\Certificates\certificate.pem" or "C:\\CleanMyOrg\\Certificates\certificate.pem"
  6. Restart your CleanMyOrg server app or service, then load https://localhost:8500 or https://yourwebdomain:8500 (for BackupMyOrg) or https://localhost:8000 or https://yourwebdomain:8000 (for Clean My Org) in your browser.

 If you have created a self signed certificate, those will always show up as not trusted.

You will need to buy a certificate from a trusted source (such as Verisign) to have a signed certificate from an authority.

Option 3: Convert an existing IIS Certificate into a key/pem for use with BackupMyOrg / CleanMyOrg 

To convert an IIS certificate to a .KEY and .PEM format for use in BackupMyOrg or CleanMyOrg, you can follow these steps:

  1. Export the certificate from IIS:
    a. Open the IIS Manager
    b. Click on the server name in the "Connections" pane (located left-hand side) 
    c. In the middle pane, double-click on "Server Certificates"
    d. Select the certificate you want to export
    e. Click "Export" in the "Actions" pane (located on the right-hand side)
    f. Follow the wizard to export the certificate as a .pfx file (remember the password you specified to protect the cert)
    (Note: if you don’t have an export option you may need to re-import the certificate to IIS with the allow export option)

  2. Convert the .pfx file to a .pem file using OpenSSL:
    a. Install OpenSSL on your computer if it is not already installed (Windows version can be found at:
    b. Copy the .pfx file to the OpenSSL /bin folder
    c. Open a command prompt or terminal window
    d. Navigate to the openSSL bin directory
    e. Run the following command (changing exported cert name as necessary):

    openssl pkcs12 -in exportedCert.pfx -out yourcert.pem -nodes

    This command will prompt you for the password you used to protect the .pfx file. Enter the password and press Enter. The command will create a .pem file in the same directory as the .pfx file.

  3. Extract the private key from the .pem file using OpenSSL:
    a. Run the following command in the same directory where the .pem file is saved:

    openssl rsa -in yourcert.pem -out yourkey.key

    This command will extract the private key from the .pem file and save it as a separate .key file in the same directory.

  4. Copy the .pem and .key to the application directory and configure config/nodeconfig.json
    a. Copy the new .pem and .key file to your application root directory
    b. Open <application directory>\config\nodeconfig.json
    c. Modify the settings as follows (changing names as necessary):

    "useHTTPS": true,
      "certs": {
        "certificate": "yourcert.pem",
        "key": "yourkey.key"

  5. Restart the BackupMyOrg server and open the browser using https location.

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