
After attempting to open Clean My Org in your Browser, you can't seem to access the application.


Please perform the following steps to remedy this issue:

  1. Make sure the CleanMyOrg.exe or service is running.
  2. Make sure port is 8000 in config/nodeConfig.json.
  3. If you are using HTTP, in config/nodeConfig.json make sure useHTTPS is false.
  4. If you are using HTTPS, in config/nodeConfig.json make sure useHTTPS is true, and that you have the correct location of certs.certificate, and certs.key.
  5. If you have made any changes to the config settings, be sure to stop cleanmyorg.exe and restart.

If you have attempted these steps and still cannot get Clean My Org to work, please contact us a or call us a 1-844-GEOJOBE.

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