As of May 2022, Admin Tools 2.0 no longer supports the cloning operation. Backup My Org is now the recommended product to handle the migration of items, users, and groups from one organization to another. Please see the previous link for more information on the capabilities of this product.

Below is a high-level flowchart of the Admin Tools cloning logic during the cloning operation. This illustration represents what an ArcGIS Administrator should know while this cloning operation is being utilized.

Note: This flowchart is divided into two different “territories:” what the logic covers on the origin side of the clone (blue), and what is covered on the target, or “destination” side of the clone (green).

Note: This cloning operation is handled within the same instance of Admin Tools, but licensed connectors of Admin Tools (ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Enterprise) is required for both the Origin and Destination platforms participating in the clone.

Note: This is the logic based on a standard clone with hosted services as dependencies. For more information on how cloning handles registered services, please refer to the “If You Are Cloning Services That Are Registered To A Different Data Source” article.

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