How to Uninstall Admin Tools for ArcGIS (On Premises)
NOTE: Keep in mind that this guide represents the minimum steps needed in an ideal environment with no variables or complications to overcome. It is not meant to serve as a comprehensive solution to any and all workflows and environments. Enterprise expertise is still essential for handling web applications in IIS. Please be mindful of any alternative setup parameters during original installation.
To Uninstall Admin Tools for ArcGIS:
In IIS, stop the Admin Tools Service
Navigate to the app-server directory and remove the service by running the following in a command window: nssm remove “Admin Tools Server”
(optional) Delete the Admin Tools files where they were installed, or back up the files to a different location if you are planning to re-install the application again.
IMPORTANT: Uninstalling this software and deleting the files will result in the app being completely removed. Therefore, any additional support for re-installing this application would require GEO Jobe’s professional services installation package. For more information about support, please see GEO Jobe Scope of Support