If You Have Installed Mapfolio, And Can No Longer Find Your Application Template in ArcGIS Online

On rare occasions, installing Mapfolio may lead to changing your Configurable app settings, and access to your application templates.


Follow the below steps to correct this. 

  1.  Login to your Organization, and navigate to the "My Organization" page.

  2.  Click "Edit Settings" 

  3. Click the "Map" tab

  4. Check the box in "Configurable Apps" which reads "Share the Esri default configurable apps to this group when you click Save."

  5. Click "Save" at the top of the page.

After performing these steps and saving, make sure to clear your browser cache (ctrl + F5) and verify that you once again have access to your custom templates.

If you still do not have access to your templates, please contact us at support@geo-jobe.com.