How To Perform Backups in Backup My Org

After Identities are correctly set up, backups can be performed.

Running a Backup

There are three types of backups that can be run from the Backup Page

  1. Backup Entire Organization: backup the contents of the entire organization with just a few clicks.

  2. Quick Filters: Select from a list of predefined filters, such as backup a user’s items, items that have been modified in the last X days, or items that have been created in the last X days.

  3. Advanced Backup: Here you can choose specifically which items, users and groups to backup.

Backup Options

● Select your configured identity in the “Organization To Backup” section. If you have not set up an Identity yet, click the “Add Identity” button to go to the “Manage Identities” section.

● Under Backup Name, you can provide a custom name to help identify the backup later

● You can enable a notification email by enabling the switch next to “Email Results to”. You will need to set up Mail Settings before backup to receive emails. Please see Setting up Mail Options for more information.

● One or more email addresses can be entered in the email box. Multiple email addresses will need to be separated by commas.

Content Selection

● For the Advanced Backup, you may choose the content you would like to backup. Select the Items, Groups or Users tab at the top, then use the Add button to select content from the organization.

● Cache: All of the target organization’s items, groups and users are cached by BackupMyOrg locally in the database in order to allow advanced filtering to take place. At the top right, the latest cache time is visible. To recache, click the recache button.

● Filtering: On the top left is the Add filter button. You can add as many filters as you like to select your content.

● Make your selection: once you have filtered your items, use the checkboxes next to the content you wish to backup and click the Add Selected to Backup button at the bottom of the page.

● Once you have returned to the main selection page, you can select content and and use the Remove Selected button to remove content from the list, or click the green Backup Confirmation button at the bottom of the page to continue.

Backup Preprocessing

● The backup preprocessing steps examines your organization for your target content and finds any dependencies and related items and adds those to the queue to be processed. Once preprocessing is complete, you are presented with a visualization of your target content and their dependencies

● The Backup Preprocessing screen will display all of the selected content as well as any dependencies of those contents. From here, you can select which content to continue with on the backup. Right click on a node to get more details on a particular content. Nodes in red have an error that prevents backup of that item, group or user. This could be an issue with the actual organization item, group or user, or a dependency that no longer exists from the parent content.

● Visual View: Use the left mouse button to select the Nodes you wish to backup. You can also change the selection options in the right column to select individual nodes or nodes and dependencies. If you plan to restore to a separate destination, be sure to select the dependencies to backup as well.

● Verbal View: If you wish to select items via a text-based interface, select the verbal view on the right side. This will allow you to click on checkboxes to select your backup content.

● Start Backup: Click the Start Backup button to begin backing up your selected items.


Configuring a Scheduled Backup

● Clicking on Scheduled Backup from the main menu will open the list of Scheduled Backups that have been created.

● Toggling the switch under the “Repeating” column will disable or re-enable the backup.

● To edit an existing backup, double click on a row or click the Edit button on the right of the row.

● To delete a backup, click the Delete button the the far right of the row.

● To create a new scheduled backup, click the Add Backup button at the top right.

● The Scheduled Backup settings are very similar to the On Demand settings, with different ways to select content.

● Click the Save Settings to save the new Scheduled Backup. The first backup will run at the starting date specified.


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