User Guide: Export a list of user to a CSV or JSON file based upon a single criterion or a set of criteria in AdminTools

In AdminTools, one has the ability to export a list of users to a CSV or JSON file based upon a single criterion or multiple criteria. This is a step by step guide on how to do this.


  1. From the main page, select the “User” tab.


  2. Select either the tool labeled “Export Users to CSV” or “Export Users to JSON” depending on what format you want the user list exported in.


  3. A table will appear on the screen. This table will list the users within your organization. The default setting is to list 25 rows per page, but that can be changed and as many as 100 rows can be displayed at once.

  4. Apply a filter. You can either apply a manual filter or apply a filter by way of an existing CSV file.

    If applying a filter from an existing CSV File, follow the steps outlined in 4a.
    If applying a manual filter within the table view, follow the steps outlined in 4b.

    1. If applying a filter by way of a CSV file, do the following:

      1. Click the “Add CSV Filter” button.


      2. A dialog box will appear with instructions and a description of how the CSV filter process works. Once you are ready, click the “Choose File” button, add the CSV file you wish to use as a filter, and then click the “Add” button.

      3. You will then be presented with the option to match the fields in your CSV file with predetermined filter fields. The predetermined fields are as follows:

        • Name, Category, Description, Disabled, Esri Access, Group, Last Logged In, Last Modified, MFA Enabled, Owns Data, Role, Tag, User Level, User Profile, User Provider, User Type, Username

      4. When you have matched the predetermined field with the CSV field you wish to filter by, click the “Add” button.

    2. If applying a manual filter within the table view, do the following:

      1. Click the “Add Filter” button.

      2. Change the filter field to whatever field you wish to filter users by. The following options are available:

        • Name, Category, Description, Disabled, Esri Access, Group, Last Logged In, Last Modified, MFA Enabled, Owns Data, Role, Tag, User Level, User Profile, User Provider, User Type, Username

      3. Select the logic operator that best fits your needs.

      4. Select the values that you wish to apply to the filter.

      5. Click the green check box to apply the filter.

        After checking the green box, additional filters can be added by following steps 4(b)(i) through 4(b)(v). If additional filters are applied, you can choose to display users that satisfy all filters or any filter.

  5. Select the users from the left side of the screen, and then click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the screen.

  6. Choose the fields you wish to have exported to the CSV file. Then click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the screen. By default, all fields except “Groups”, “First Name”, and “Last Name” are selected.

    1. Users have the options of selecting all parameters, clearing the currently selected parameters, and/or choosing which parameters they want selected.


  7. If you are satisfied with the fields you have chosen to include in the CSV export, click the “Next” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. If changes need to be made, click the “Previous” button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the previous page.

  8. If you are satisfied with the export parameters, click the “Run” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. If changes need to be made, click the “Previous” button in the bottom left corner of the screen to return to the previous page.

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