Setup Admin Tools App-Server without Application Request Routing (ARR)

Setup Admin Tools App-Server without Application Request Routing (ARR)

This dedicated article is a quick guide to alternatively setting up Admin Tools when security policies or protocols prevent setup via Application Request Routing (ARR). This update requires Admin Tools version or greater in order to implement.

  1. Install Admin Tools app-server on a proxy server or the same server (usual).

  2. In app-server directory, set up the Admin Tools service as HTTPS, running the command:

    index pfx <insert passphrase here>

    Then, add the pfx file to the following Admin Tools directory: app-server/config/nodeconfig.json

  3. Open up the firewall port for the Admin Tools server (default port: 9181).

  4. On the original Admin Tools server, add the proxy server's URL:port to a customAPIEndpoint property in your clientConfig.json. It is recommended to use a valid hostname for the URL; do not use localhost for this entry.
    Ex: “customAPIEndpoint”: “https://my.host.name:9181”

    In public/clientconfig.json, located on line 17... { "portals": [ { "url": "https://your.oauth.org.domain/webadaptor", "appId": "YourAppIDHere", "authentication": "OAuth2" }, { "url": "https://your.IWA.org.domain/webadaptor", "appId": "", "authentication": "IWA" } ], "debugMode": false, "customAPIEndpoint": "<INSERT YOUR URL:PORTNUMBER>" }
  5. Delete web.config from Admin Tools directory.


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Setup and Run Admin Tools, Backup My Org, and Clean My Org: Click Here

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