If You Cannot Access, or Experience Issues Searching Within the Property Search Application

There may be times when accessing a Property Search Application, that queries will not load, or imagery will not appear on the map. 

If this occurs, please try the following:

  1. Please ensure you still have a stable internet connection to your network by loading other websites. 
  2. Please Clear your browser's cache. Property search applications are frequently updated, and it's possible that your browser is storing an old and outdated version of this application. Clearing your browser's cache ensures that the most current version of the application is being loaded on your browser.
  3. There may be maintenance being performed by GEO Jobe on the property search application. Please wait a little while, and try again.
  4. Please attempt to access the property search application from a different network than the one you are experiencing issues with. If you are able to successfully connect and query via a home network, or your smart device over mobile data (not wi-fi over the same network), then this issue may be isolated to your network blocking requests. If this is the case, please see the info box, below:

    Why This Is Happening

    The issue may stem from GEO Jobe’s web server acting as a proxy to data server. This is required by current Esri technology so a proxy can be leveraged to append a token to the end of the request. The appended token is locked to a specific IP address (GEO Jobe’s web server). Sometimes, the use of a proxy can be a “red flag” to an IT professional that perhaps someone is trying to circumvent a firewall rule. By default many local governments and larger corporations may block web requests that leverage proxies. In this case, an exception rule would
    need to be setup for the GEO Jobe server that handles the Property Search Application. This would explain why it appears to work fine for GEO Jobe and other public users, and networks, but consistently has issues for others.

    NOTE:. Additional Esri proxy information can be found at this link.

If you have performed these steps and are still experiencing issues, please contact us as support@geo-jobe.com or call us at 1-844-GEOJOBE.