Creating ArcGIS Enterprise App ID/Online Client ID and Configuring Redirects for Backup My Org and Clean My Org

This article step-by-step guide to creating ArcGIS Enterprise App IDs or ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Client IDs and configuring their redirects when adding connectors to the "Manage Identities" feature of Clean My Org or Backup My Org application. This tutorial applies to non-IWA (Oauth2) Authentication.

The steps will differ between using ArcGIS Online or Enterprise, so please select one of the following expandable content arrows that best corresponds to your organization type:

Step-by-step guide for ArcGIS Enterprise


  1. From the “Content” tab, navigate to "My Content" tab, select “New Item” → “An Application” → “Other Application"

    1. (Select the "application" option in the new popup box)

  1. Name the “New item” as "Clean My Org," or "Backup My Org" (based on which solution you're using).

    1. Populate the remaining input boxes with further detail pertaining to the application.

  1. Go to the "Settings" Tab of the new Clean My Org/Backup My Org Application.

  1. In the "Application" Section, click the "Registered Info" button. The App ID will be is listed here. Copy the App ID and paste it into the App ID field for the identity you're setting up in the Clean My Org/Backup My Org application that is running.

  1. NEXT, click the "Update" button.


  1. Configure the Redirect URIs:

    1. Finally, ensure you “Add” your URI to “Redirect URI” before selecting "Update" to save these changes.


Please add the real domain you will be running Clean My Org/Backup My Org from this Redirect URI.


NOTE: for Backup My Org, this is (usually) both http and https://localhost:8500, or http://yourwebserver:8500

NOTE: for Clean My Org, this is (usually) both http and https://localhost:8000, or http://yourwebserver:8000


You should now have the OAuth App ID and Redirects necessary to run Clean My Org/Backup My Org.

Step-by-step guide for ARCGIS ONLINE

  1. From the main “Contents” tab, navigate to "My Content" tab, and select "New Item".


  1. Select the "Application" option.

  1. Select the "Other Application" option in the next step

  1. Title the application as "Clean My Org," or "Backup My Org" (based on which solution you're using).

  1. Go to the Settings Tab for the Application Item

  1. Scroll down to the "Redirect URLs" Section. This is where you will configure the Redirect URLs

    1. Click the “Add” button, and include all relevant redirects to this section.


  1. Finally, ensure you click the "save" button to update changes made.

Great! You should now have the OAuth App ID and Redirects configuration that is necessary to run Clean My Org/Backup My Org.