How To Find Your Organization's Name & Organization ID In ArcGIS Online

There are times when you will need to provide the exact name of your organization, as well as the organization ID, as listed in ArcGIS Online

Steps to find the Organization Name:

  1. Sign In to your ArcGIS Online Organization

  2. In the My Organization page, your organization's name is displayed in the top banner. 
    (Note: You can highlight and copy the name in the banner)

Steps to find the Organization ID:

  1. Sign In to your ArcGIS Online Organization.

  2. Navigate to the “Content” page in the main ribbon.

  3. Navigate to the “My Content” page in the sub-ribbon.

1 Content Page.jpg


  1. Find an item within your organization from the list of content. Which item you select is immaterial. Click the 3 dots to the right of the item name and select “View Item Details”.

2 View Item Details.jpg


  1. You will be brought to that item’s details page. It will look similar to this:


  1. Navigate to the bottom of the page, and on the right hand side, you will see a box titled “URL”.


  1. Within the URL, the organization ID will be listed.
    The URL will be structured with something similar to this: “https://<service identifier><Organization ID>/arcgis/rest/services/<Item Name>/FeatureServer

  2. The value listed in the place noted above as “Organization ID” is your ArcGIS Online Organization’s ID. It will be a series of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.

This is what you provide should provide to GEO Jobe when asked for your ArcGIS Online Organization’s ID






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