Backup My Org Installation Guide (Web Server)

This guide is for installing Backup My Org on a web server. For a guide on installing Backup My Org on a on a local machine, please see Backup My Org Installation Guide (Local Install).

If you already have Backup My Org installed, and need to update to the latest version, click HERE.

NOTE: Keep in mind that this install guide represents the minimum steps needed in an ideal environment with no variables or complications to overcome. It is not meant to serve as a comprehensive solution to any and all installation workflows and environments. Enterprise expertise is still essential for handling this installation. 

  • If you are unsure about whether this product can be installed on your infrastructure, please contact us to request a technical meeting to discuss installation. We do sell Professional Services Installation Packages as an additional option to the purchase of the product license. This professional services package is required for support directly related to the installation and configuration of the product onto an Organization's ArcGIS Enterprise Infrastructure.


System Requirements

  • Windows 64 bit machine

    • Windows Server 2016 or higher or Windows 10 or higher personal computers

  • MongoDB Installation

  • .NET Framework 4.6 or higher

Recommended Machine Specifications and Recommended Space

  • Less than 10,000 items in organization:

    • 1+ TB HD

    • 4-core processor

    • 16 GB RAM for optimal performance

  • Greater than 10,000 items in organization:

    • 2-4+ TB HD (depending on organization size)

    • 8-core processor

    • 16 GB RAM for optimal performance

Instructions for Web Server Install

  1. Unzip the archive into the desired directory. Be sure your windows file path is less than 256 characters when extracting our products otherwise there may be failures when unzipping the files.

  2. In the unzipped /installs folder, install MongoDB

    • Be sure to keep the checkbox to allow MongoDB to be run as a service

    • You can uncheck the install option for installing Compass if desired

  3. Once MongoDB has been installed, you can go to the config/nodeconfig.json file to change any server settings before running. Here you can change settings for:

    • The port that will be used

    • Using HTTP or HTTPS

    • MongoDB Settings

    • Whether or not login credentials will be used

    • Default admin email

    • Level of server logs

    • Log size max

    • Whether resolution options will be allowed from the app

  4. Set up BackupMyOrg as a service.

    • Open a Command Console by going to start -> run and typing “cmd”

    • Go to the installs directory of BackupMyOrg by typing:
      cd \D your_BMO_directory_location\installs
      i.e. cd \D C:\BackupMyOrg\installs

    • Type: nssm install “BackupMyOrg Server”

    • After the nssm service installer has opened, click on the box next to Application Path and navigate to the BackupMyOrg base folder and click on Backupmyorg.exe

    • If you are using IWA Authentication for an identity:

      • Click on the “Log on” tab and select the “This account” option.

      • Use the account and password that will have administrator privileges to your organization.

    • Once you are finished making changes, click the “Install service” button.

    • NOTE: The service can later be removed by running: nssm remove “BackupMyOrg Server”

    • To edit the service: nssm edit “BackupMyOrg Server”

  5. To make BackupMyOrg available outside of this machine, you will need to open up TCP port 8500 in your router settings.

  6. Once the app is running in the background, open a web browser and type http://yourwebsitedomain:8500

If you have an “https” connector associated with BackupMyOrg or CleanMyOrg and edited the nodeconfig.json file detailed in Step 3, then please reference the following guide in order to properly configure it.

Running Backup My Org or Clean My Org as HTTPS


This will start the BackupMyOrg client interface. From here you can set up Mail Settings by clicking the cog in the top right, and set up your Identities on the Manage Identities page. For more information on this, see Setting Up Email Options In Backup My Org.

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