If You Have Issues Signing Into Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online

If You Have Issues Signing Into Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online

NOTE: If you are experiencing sign in issues with Mapfolio, CLICK HERE.

NOTE: If You Are Signing In To Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online, And Receive "Could not get user information. Please contact your organization's administrator," CLICK HERE.

If you're having problems please try the following:

  • Ensure that the ArcGIS Organizations are Licensed to Use Admin Tools from the ArcGIS Marketplace, and that the login requesting the account has ESRI Access
  • Select the "Sign in with another account" button on the user drop-down.
  • Verify correct login credentials by logging in to ArcGIS  Online.
  • Verify that the account logging in is a native ArcGIS Administrator Role.
        Note: Because of their varied nature, we cannot support "custom roles" that only have partial Admin access. A default Admin account is required.
  • Verify that the accounts in question have license to use Admin Tools Pro, and those licenses are still active.
        Note: In some rare occurrences, an issue can arise from Pro users logging in to the basic tools when no prior authorization to their Esri account was given.
  • Verify that your ArcGIS Online Organization's security settings have not been recently altered in a way that would prevent access to Admin Tools.
  • Try signing in using an incognito browser window or a similar private browsing mode. 
  • Try accessing Admin tools on a computer on a different network, or using a mobile data connection on a smart device
        Note: This may be the result of your network blocking the "geopowered.com" domain. Please see your network administrator if this is the case. 
  • Clear history, and cached data.
  • Try a different browser.

If you're still having difficulty signing in to Admin Tools, please email or call us at 1-844-GEOJOBE.

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