Updating Scheduler for ArcGIS or Scheduler Satellite (from an Older Version)

For Step 3: It is highly recommended that you download and install 7zip to extract your files. 7zip offers a much faster, more efficient, and more reliable than the default Windows process. Download here

  1. Stop the current Scheduler for ArcGIS/Scheduler Satellite service.

  1. Rename your current Scheduler folder to include the suffix “_old”. This is the best practice recommended until the update is completed, so you can roll back to your older version of Scheduler if an unexpected error occurs during installation.

  2. Recreate the original Scheduler folder, then move the Zip file containing the update to the same location where you installed Scheduler for ArcGIS, then extract its contents. We recommend moving the files while they are still zipped, as this is a faster and more efficient use of both your computer’s resources and your time.

  3. If you made custom changes to config/nodeconfig.json, copy those files as needed from the _old directory into the new directory.

  4. Restart the Scheduler Service.

  5. Test the update at the same URL you used to access Scheduler for ArcGIS before. If the webpage loads and you can sign into Scheduler for ArcGIS, you may delete the “_old” folder created in Step 2.

  6. Changing the port of your Scheduler Service or Scheduller Satellite Service:

    1. Scheduler by default runs internally on port (7501), and Scheduler Satellite runs on port (3000). If you wish to change the port number, follow these steps:

      • Temporarily stop the Scheduler service if it is running.

      • In the scheduler base directory, edit the web.config file, find the line

<action type="Rewrite" url="http://localhost:7501/{R:1}" /> And change it to... <action type="Rewrite" url="http://localhost:<yourPortNumber>/{R:1}" />
  • Save this file and edit your text editor.

  • Under the <schedulerhome>/config directory, edit the nodeconfig.json file and update the default port number to your new port number.

  • Restart the service or use <schedulerhome>/installs/install_server.bat to create the service.


If you encounter any issues while updating Scheduler for ArcGIS, you reach GEO Jobe’s Support Division (support@geo-jobe.com) for further assistance.


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Installation guide for Scheduler for ArcGIS: click here


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