Scheduler Installation Guide


Installation Requirements

System Requirements:

  • Windows Server 2016 or higher server OR

  • Windows 10 or higher personal computer

  • MongoDB installation required

  • Recommended server specs:

    • Quad-core processor minimum, 8 core or higher recommended for larger organizations

    • 16 GB RAM for optimal performance

  • If users want to run tasks based on ArcGIS Server Logs, Scheduler Satellite must be installed on the machine where the log files are located.

  • If they want to use webhooks, Scheduler must be installed on a machine with a valid certificate from a certifying authority (i.e. not self-signed). Scheduler can run on localhost but they must use a URL rewrite in IIS to create a fully qualified domain name that is HTTPS.



This article is a step-through guide to properly install Scheduler.

NOTE: For best practices, we recommend installing our products on a different machine than your ArcGIS Org.

Installing Scheduler for ArcGIS

Scheduler for ArcGIS is only installed on-premise; there is no SaaS version available. This means users have complete control over where their copy of Scheduler is installed, as well as any information from their ArcGIS Organization it may touch. Scheduler can be run on any machine that can access your ArcGIS Organization and can run as a service or on localhost*.

*Unless you are using webhooks. In that case, Scheduler must be installed on a server with a fully qualified domain name and a valid certificate from an outside certifying authority (i.e. not self-signed). If a user wishes to run Scheduler on localhost and leverage webhooks, they can do so as long as they use a URL rewrite to create a fully qualified domain name for localhost.

Scheduler for ArcGIS relies on MongoDB® (included in the ZIP file) to operate. You will also need to install it on any machine Scheduler (or Scheduler Satellite) is installed on. We also recommend installing MongoDB Compass as part of the installation process. Compass is a GUI interface for interacting with the database, and will help if you ever need to access any of that information.

Scheduler for ArcGIS also requires Internet Information Services (IIS) installed on the machine to operate. Be sure that IIS has been installed before performing the Scheduler installation. For Windows Server, you can install IIS by visiting the Start Menu > Administrative Tools > Server Manager, then Add roles and select Web Server (IIS). For Windows 11, you can install it by visiting Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off and select Internet Information Services.



New Installation Instructions

  • Unzip the Scheduler for ArcGIS build to the proper location. This can be under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\scheduler or any location you wish. You will need to add this location as an application in IIS. Ensure your license file, SCHED-geojobe.license.txt, is in the main directory.

  • Install scheduler/installs/MongoDB-windows-*.exe. If you don’t already have MongoDB installed on your server, you can find the installation file, mongodb-windows-x86_64-7.x.x-signed.msi, in the scheduler/installs folder that was unzipped in step a. Follow MongoDB's installation wizard to install (default options are fine).

  • Install the required IIS Modules. In the scheduler/installs/standalone folder, there are two files - 1_rewrite_amd64_en-US.msi and 2_requestRouter_amd64.msi. These IIS modules must be installed in the order just listed for Scheduler for ArcGIS Enterprise to work properly. They are used by the application to create a reverse proxy to forward requests through IIS to the server application. 

  • Install and Start the Windows Service. Run as administrator the scheduler/installs/install_server.bat file

  • Click the three dots next to the Path setting. Navigate one directory up to the main Scheduler folder. Then select the server.exe file and click the open button.

  • Click the Install Service button

  • Run the services application on Windows and make sure that “Scheduler Server” is running. If not, start the service.

  • If you have already installed the service, you can run the edit_server.bat file.
    If you need to delete the service, run the remove_server.bat file

  • In IIS, Enable Application Request Router proxy.

Under connections, click on the server entry under the start page.

In the center panel under the IIS section, double-click on the Application Request Routing icon.

Click the enable proxy checkbox in the center panel, then on the right panel click the apply button.

You can now open a browser to and use the application.



Scheduler Sattelite Installation Instructions

To Install Scheduler Satellite

  • Unzip the Scheduler Satellite build to the proper location. This can be under C:\SchedulerSatellite or any location you wish. You will need to add this location as an application in IIS. Be sure to include your license file, SCHED-geojobe.license.txt, in the main directory of Scheduler Satellite.

  • Install scheduler/installs/MongoDB-windows-*.exe. If you don’t already have MongoDB installed on your server, you can find the installation file, SchedulerSatellite/installs folder that was unzipped in step a. Follow MongoDB's installation wizard to install (default options are fine). Follow MongoDB's installation wizard to install (default options are fine).

  • Install and Start the Windows Service. Run as administrator the SchedulerSatellite/installs/install_server.bat file

  • Click the three dots next to the Path setting. Navigate one directory up to the main Scheduler folder. Then select the satellite.exe file and click the open button.

  • Click the Install Service button.

  • Run the services application on Windows and make sure that “Scheduler Satellite” is running. If not, start the service.

  • See Section I: Scheduler Satellite for more information on how to configure Satellite in the Scheduler for ArcGIS application.


If you have any questions or are experiencing any issues while following the step-through, please reach out to our GEO Jobe Support Team at


Related Articles:

  • Updating an Existing Version of Scheduler for ArcGIS or Scheduler Satellite click here.

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