How To Perform Restores in Backup My Org

How To Perform Restores in Backup My Org

Backup My Org will allow you to restore your content from your saved backups to the same or different destination organization and also provides you with a variety of configuration options in order to properly rewire your content from the original source to the destination.

There are many different scenarios and variable involved in restoring ArcGIS content, so the restore process in Backup My Org has been designed to cover as many of them as possible. This results in a robust set of options as you walk through the restore process.

Types of Restore

Restore Individual Item: Choose and restore an individual item based on all backups available. Once you have specified the item ID you will be able to choose from all of the available backups of that item.

Advanced Restore: choose a backup and restore multiple files from that backup.

Select Contents to Restore

● Use the left mouse button to select the Nodes you wish to restore. You can also change the selection options in the right column to select individual nodes or nodes and dependencies. If you plan to restore to a separate destination, be sure to select the dependencies to restore as well. Note that all dependencies that are selected for restoration will restore over existing items if they exist.

Some items will not be able to restore over existing items. Map Services and Feature Services with irregular indexes will not be able to be overwritten, and new items will be created.

● Verbal View: If you wish to select items via a text-based interface, select the verbal view on the right side. This will allow you to click on checkboxes to select your backup content.

● Click the Select Restore Options button to finalize your restore selections.

Restore Settings

● Select the Target Restore Destination from your Managed Identities list.

Some restore options may not be able to overwrite the item directly, and in those cases you will need to create a new item for the restore. By clicking the “Rewire entire Org for created items” box, you will look through your organization’s web maps and web applications for references to your original item and rewire them for your new item.

● You can also specify email addresses for the restore results.

● Click the Begin Destination Prescan button to continue.

● Click the Next: Restore Configuration button to continue once the Prescan has been completed.

Missing User Config

● If your target items' owners are not found on the destination organization, they will be displayed here on the user configuration screen with options for rewiring the item for a new user.

● Advanced Options: By turning on advanced options, you will have the opportunity to fine tune all of your items' owners by manually selecting a replacement user.

● Global Options: Use the global options to set all of the listed users to a specific user with one click.

● User Mapping: You can save and recall commonly used mapping by clicking the Load User Mappings and clicking Apply User Mappings to set saved values to the current Items. To save the current mappings, click the Save Mappings version.

● Click the Next button once you have rewired any needed items to continue.

Missing Group Config

● If your target items' groups are not found on the destination organization, they will be displayed here on the group configuration screen with options for rewiring the item's groups.

● Advanced Options: By turning on advanced options, you will have the opportunity to fine tune all of your items' groups by manually selecting a replacement group.

● Global Options: Use the global options to set all of the listed users to a specific group with one click.

● Group Mapping: You can save and recall commonly used mapping by clicking the Load Group Mappings and clicking Apply Group Mappings to set saved values to the current Items. To save the current mappings, click the Save Mappings version.

● Click the Next button once you have rewired any needed groups to continue.

Missing Item Config

● If your target items are not found on the destination organization, they will be displayed here on the item configuration screen. For each item listed, you can either select a replacement item by clicking the Find Item button, or select the Create New button to create a new instance of the item.

● Advanced Options: By turning on advanced options, you will have the opportunity to fine tune all of your items by manually selecting a replacement item or selecting Create New to create a new instance even if one exists on the destination. Creating a new item is a good way to test a valid restore before it is needed.

● Item Mapping: You can save and recall commonly used mapping for your items by clicking the Load Item Mappings and clicking Apply Item Mappings to set saved values to the current Items. To save your current mappings, click the Save Mappings version.

● Click the next button once you have rewired any needed items to continue.

Service Credentials Config

● If you have any registered services you are restoring, you can optionally supply credentials here. These credentials will be saved with the restored item.

● Click the next button to continue.

Restore Status

● Once you have confirmed your restore, the restore status page will appear. This will show you the status of each item in progress and give you a visualization of the entire restore operation.

Yellow Nodes are restores IN PROGRESS

Green Nodes are COMPLETE

Red Nodes show ISSUES

● The first pass of the restore will be the restoration of the actual item’s data, and the second pass will be any rewiring that needs to be completed on that item.

● Once the restore step has completed, the postprocessing step will begin. In this step it will be confirming any files that need to be deleted, alerting you to any manual rewiring possibilities that it did not have the information for, and cleaning up local files and databases.

Postprocessing Options: Delete confirmation

● You can use the blue icons to check the current status of the new restored item and verify before clicking the checkbox to confirm deletion of the old item.

Postprocessing Options: Non-Rewired Dependencies

● Selection: Here you can optionally rewire dependencies that did not have direct information to rewire. Select the item on the left, and fill in the correct rewiring information if needed. For IDs, you can click the find button to search the destination organization for the correct item.

● Mapping: To save these rewire settings for the future, click on the Save Remapping button at the top right. When starting a new rewiring, click the Load Rewiring Mapping button to automatically apply previously saved mappings.


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