GEO Jobe Product Updates and Release Notes
Kenny Tran
This is a dedicated article to keeping our users and readers up-to-date on the latest updates for all of GEO Jobe’s products.
Admin Tools 2.0 Updates & Releases
GEO Jobe is excited to announce the latest update to Admin Tools, packed with a suite of new features designed to streamline your tasks and elevate your efficiency. Among the highlights of this update are several powerful additions aimed at making ArcGIS administration even easier.
Join us as we delve into the exciting new features of Admin Tools 2.2 and explore how they can revolutionize your workflow, saving you time and effort while maximizing productivity. Whether you’re a seasoned administrator or just getting started with GIS management, there’s something here for everyone.
Let’s take a look at the new features, improvements, and bug fixes available in Admin Tools 2.2:
New Features
Export Feature Services by Attribute Text (CSV)
This powerful tool allows you to generate a CSV based on a target value contained in any field and any number of feature services. Users can efficiently explore large datasets by searching for specific values within a field. This capability allows for targeted analysis, enabling users to extract relevant information quickly.
New Tool: Update Cache Control For Feature Layers
This tool allows you to update your cache control for feature layers in bulk, which can allow you to decrease the amount of time it takes to load a map containing the layer, improving the performance of any apps that use the layer.
New Tool: Update Public Data Collection For Feature Layers
With this tool, you can easily set whether you would like to enable or disable public data collection in your feature layers in bulk, completing your task in just a few clicks.
New Tool: Update Optimize Layer Drawing For Feature Layers
Drawing optimization is a setting for polyline and polygon feature layers that are used to increase the client-side performance of drawing features with geometries that have highly dense vertices. With this tool, you can enable or disable the optimization of your feature layers in bulk.
New Tool: Download Image Items
Have you ever found the need to download a large number of your image files at once and didn’t want to click on each item to download? With our new Download Image Items tool, you can select all image type items and grab them all at once from your ArcGIS Organization.
Added Last Modified field for the users table.
Mail Settings: Support for separate username and from field.
View Item Dependencies: new error visualization for items that can’t get dependencies.
Update Bookmark improvements.
Update Web Maps Bookmarks: Ability to remove bookmarks.
HTTPS server: update to node-fetch to include https. Agent SSL certs.
Added additional logging to item / group / user cache catch blocks.
Improvements to adding, removing and analyzing group layers and map services in web maps.
Added select all option to a number of different workflows.
Update Web Maps Bookmarks: Added Select All and Clear All buttons for web map bookmarks as well as a Clear All button for the bookmark table as a whole.
Update Web Maps Bookmarks: general ux improvements.
Thumbnail Generator: Added a setting to not save custom thumbnail templates.
Thumbnail Generator: Added option to set the font for text elements.
Add Entitlements to Users: Added option to suppress email notifications for ArcGIS Online.
Added new filter for summary (snippet) in the items search table.
Browse Roles and Privileges: Table now shows role ID column.
The Enterprise version number can now be seen in the account dropdown beneath the user avatar.
Bug Fixes
Add CSV Filter: fix for “add any of” filter.
Export Items to CSV: fix for number of groups display for favorite items.
Export to CSV: fix for date formatting of last viewed field.
Update Field Domains for Feature Layers: Fixed issue with domains on tables.
Mail Settings: fix for custom settings issue sending.
Remove layers from web maps: fix for finding all specified map service layers.
Update Web Maps Bookmarks: Fixed bug causing bookmarks to be added in reverse order in some cases.
View Item Dependencies: fix for geocoding service items.
Delete Users: Fix for large number of deletions.
View Item Dependencies: Fix for search table dependencies for file type items.
Thumbnail Generator: Fix for an issue where importing custom templates was creating duplicate templates.
Fix for an issue with server-side caching for organizations using IWA.
Fix for Update Items Owner when moving the items to a newly created folder.
New Features
Find / Replace Web Maps Item ID
When you publish content to your ArcGIS Organization, it is assigned a unique Item ID. Anything that references that item will use its Item ID behind the scenes. The Find / Replace Web Maps Item ID allows you to update those references from one item to another. This can be helpful in a variety of situations, such as if you accidentally delete an item and create recreate it, or if you want to keep an item and mark it as deprecated but have a new replacement that’s authoritative.
Update Administrative Contacts
Administrative Contacts are the administrators who are the main point of contact for an ArcGIS Organization. They receive the information about organization member accounts as well as information like the subscription status for the ArcGIS Organization. As companies grow and change over time, the people they need as their Administrative Contacts may change as well. The Update Administrative Contacts tool gives you a simple way to update those individuals.
Update Editing Capabilities for Feature Layers
With this new tool, you can set what level of editing is available for feature layers. Want to allow people to add new points of interest but not delete old ones? Not a problem! Should editors be able to edit the attributes to help make features more accurate? You can do that!
Add Tags to Item: custom tag generator in tag options
Add Tags to Groups: custom tag generator in tag options
Add Tags to Users: custom tag generator in tag options
View Item Dependencies: Export to CSV for workflow tool
Improvements to Force Delete
More options for filter by CSV
Added item ID, group ID, and item content status to selectable columns for tables
Added StoryTeller user type for filtering
Bug Fixes
Fix for status issue with Reindex Portal Searches
Fix for issue affecting saved filters
Fix for register services without token
Delete Items: fixed batch processing for a large number of deletes of the same user
Filters: Fixed bug with between dates filter
View Item Dependencies: fix for layers in layers property that is not a group layer
Backup My Org Updates & Releases
New Features
Restore: option to backup without dependencies
Content Selection Filters: Import from CSV option
HTTPS: PFX certificate support
Email: email users when token expires
Mail Options: Azure Mail support
Added confirmation input for bulk delete of backups and restores
Added FGDBRetryCount option for FGDB export retry count
Backup: Check and handling for stalled backups
Backup: Improved dependency gathering
Restore: nodeconfig.json setting to force ignore changeTracking capability for restorations
Restore: user rewiring warning if trying to overwrite existing users
Restore: Backup connector license check no longer required for restore operations
Added replica export retry functionality: ReplicaRetryCount setting in nodeConfig.json
Added backup and restore support for dashboard arcadeDataSourceItems
Additional logging of attachment size
Backup: Added support for GeoPackage
Backup: Added success / error tracking to backup cleanup
Backup: added support to retry backup for items not yet started when BMO stopped
Backup: create feature service replica status updates
Automatic cleanup of unhandledException logs over 2 weeks old
Backup: improved esriID detection for finding dependencies
Backup: improved temp FGDB files on backup cleanup
Backup: Improved zip archival for large files
Backup: individual item stall improvements
Backup: Logs now uses totalFiles instead of processed, more accurate with backup retry and new cleanup
Backup: option to skip all dependencies
Backup: Removed client side dependencies when doing skip visualization
Backup: restart scheduled backups on server restart
Backup: retry status check for replica backup
Backup/Restore Logs handles correctly after multiple clicks on top 'Exports'
Better reporting for restore prescan errors
Check token validity only on licensed identities
Check for string size limit in fetch calls
Dashboard restoration improvements
Email: Updated mailer to include backup status
Feature Service Views now backup and restore with query definitions
Identities: check for user get, put, delete permissions for S3
Improved error handling for mongoDB service crashes
Improved error handling for unsuccessful zip file uploads
Improved mail formatting and processing
Links for URLs during URL rewiring postprocessing
Mail: added option to include or not include JSON attachments in email reports
Manage Identities: check for administrator role when saving identity
More accurate email reporting of backups
New BMOfetch functionality
Preprocessing: improved performance during dependency checking
Preprocessing: improved preprocessing performance during depth processing
Quick Filter: Added a case-insensitive filter for tags when backing up content
Quick Filter: Added Authoritative quick filter
Filters: added numViews filter
Removed duplicate users during backup retry
Restore Postprocessing: improved matching for url rewrites
Restore Postprocessing: Secured registered services URL will be automatically placed in the URL field
Restore Preprocessing: improvements to find similar items
Restore selection: refactored restore content selections for improved performance
Restore User Config: added confirmation if overwriting existing users
Restore: Added destination group id to group config page if there are multiple groups with the same name
Restore: always show base rewire if marked as incomplete
Restore: improved support for KML restoration
Restore: improved tag input for restoration
Restore: removing republish for feature service if restoring to the same ArcGIS version
Support for id, ID, itemID, or itemid for Import from CSV filter
Support for title or Title for Import from CSV filter
uncaughtException files now concatenated by date
Updated S3 and Proxy Dependencies
Backup: alternative split replica backup of feature services that fail the initial export to FGDB (NOTE: this will only work with create new and cannot update)
Rewire: Added button for global apply to all blank inputs
Bug Fixes
Backup: Fix for fetching large number of item resources
Backup: Fix for role displaying incorrectly as org_admin
Fix for Feature Services Modified in last X days filter pulling different item types
Fix for Restore Dashboards to ArcGIS Online
Fix for temporary FGDB not being deleted on failure
Identities: fixed issue where deleting identity could affect on-demand scans
Restore: fix for an issue rewiring StoryMaps across different ArcGIS platforms
Restore: Fix for content showing up in individual restore when not backed up
Restore: Fix for create groups with duplicate titles
Restore: Fixes for scrambled layer id FS restore and web map / app rewires
Rewire: Fix to replace all instances of id, url, and domain including in object keys during rewire
Save Indentity: Fix for Oauth2 to OAuth2WithCredentials with S3 bucket not updating correctly
Additional backup error checking for valid arrays
Backup and Restore Logs now have loading indicator while fetching logs
Backup visualization: Fix for select all doubling estimates
Backup: added saveBackupException for debugging
Backup: fix for an issue causing exception fault in backups
Backup: fix for backup search deselect leaving links
Backup: fix for error handling with valid arrays
Backup: Fix for large GeoJson file downloads
Backup: Fix for manifest.json fetch for custom widgets
Backup: fix for pathname issues for save request
Backup: fix for scheduled backup entries saving empty array
Backup: fix for server-side finishing and client-side never reflecting
Backup: Fix for SQLite Database
Backup: fix for uncaught exception during FGDB export
Backup: fix issue of previous quickfilters set when starting a new backup
Backup: Fixes for Hosted Scene Service backup
Backup: stall marked complete instead of error
Better error handling for failed SD backups
Continue backup if thumbnail fails
Error handling for FS replica backup
Filters: fix for org_authoritative in filters
Filters: Fix for typekeyword filter in restore
Fix and additional logging for postprocessing stall
Fix for an issue restoring hosted feature service
Fix for bmo-log.txt write issue
Fix for cacheallusers for arcgisAuth user role
Fix for delete error when verifying write permissions
Fix for feature services modified in lasy X days quick scan shows undefined in confirmation
Fix for FGDB multipart uploads not being placed in correct folder
Fix for for split replica backup / restore
Fix for IWA ArcGIS login authentication
Fix for IWA ArcGIS Login option
Fix for MongoDB issue using localhost
Fix for Skip Visualization options
Fix for skipVisuzation settings issue
Fix to allow login with useArcgisAuth and OAuth2WithCredentials
Fixed duplicate name during user backup retry
Identities: Fix for OAuth2WithCredentaials save issue
Log: fixed visual bug in backup log
Log: Fixes for log errors that are objects
Logs: log export now properly exports errors
Postprocessing: fix for additional Url Dependencies not automatically rewiring to match dependencies new URL
Postprocessing: Fix for additional url rewire not getting url from main rewire when layer is restored at same time
Postprocessing: Fix for cache rewite registry
Postprocessing: fixes for group sharing and relationship rewiring
Preprocessing: fix for circular dependencies
Preprocessing: Fix for issue where user preprocessing could cause loop
Proxy fix for BMOFetch
Restore Dashboard: fix for new ArcGIS Online format
Restore Dashboard: fix for new ArcGIS Online version error
Restore Feature Service: Added fix for if layerServiceDefInfo is an empty object
Restore Rewiring: Fix for Web Map Rewiring Issue
Restore User Config: Fix for blank destination user select on userConfig load
Restore: Added additional error handling for getAvailableServiceName
Restore: Bug fix and improved logging for rewiring Web Mapping Application widgets
Restore: checkremainingconfigs error fixed
Restore: Dashboard fix for ArcGIS Online to Enterprise restoration
Restore: fix for a feature service error
Restore: Fix for adding items to groups when that group has only group admins contribute content
Restore: Fix for an issue publishing items from a service definition
Restore: fix for call stack issue in backup / restore
Restore: fix for checking for duplicate service renaming
Restore: Fix for featureServiceHosted exception bug
Restore: Fix for group name filter
Restore: Fix for individual restore filtering
Restore: fix for issue where user config page could be blank
Restore: Fix for multipart feature service restore during updateDefinition for hasCapabilities field
Restore: Fix for nonstandard layer IDs being updated after creation
Restore: Fix for postprocessing relationship rewire not keeping user applied changes
Restore: Fix for publishing map services from service definition in ArcGIS Online
Restore: Fix for user page allowing continue if users aren't configured
Restore: Fix for view restore for feature services with multiple layers
Restore: Fixed feature service restoration using changeTracking for ArcGIS Online orgs
Restore: Fixes for view restoration with public source and also properly assigns ownership in postprocessing
Restore: potential fix for not rewiring dependency
Restore: potential fix for web map rewire error
Restore: Updated view restore to fix relationship errors
Save Identity: Fix for S3 bucket checking
Scheduled Backup: fixed an issue for item and feature service modified quick filter not selecting content
Scheduled Scans: backup options number in confirmation now shows correct number
Scheduled Scans: fix for showing as a single number with digits for days/hours instead of breakout of days hours
Settings: Fix for token expiration warning when using roles
New Features and Improvements
User Config: import user mapping on user config by loading CSV
User Config: add 'ignore' option for destination users (if non-owner of items)
User Config: Add select all empty options button near global settings
Restore User Config: Import CSV mapping added to chose valid usernames to be created
Restore User Config: Find and replace tool to format new usernames in bulk
Restore Selection: Added CSV import to bulk select restoration items by ID
Improvements to content caching for larger organizations
Restore: feature service publish retry with stripped parameters on fail
Restore: publish improvements for TPKs and Feature Service Views
Restore Feature Service: update feature service accuracy improvments
Filters: change title filter to "not contain" instead of "not"
More efficient debug logging
Updated ownerFolder filter to accept folder as a field
Config: Added nodeconfig setting for maximum service name size
Config: Added showExactCompletion to nodeconfig settings to show the exact number next to the percentage
Added option for enabling fetch engine debugging
Improved organization caching for large organizations over 10,000 items
Improved error reporting for Createfolder actions
Memory improvements for backup status
Bug Fixes
Identities: fixed issue with OAuth2WithCredentials not authenticating correctly
Manage Identities: fix to prevent infinite login loop if trying to use a non-administrator role
Managed Identities: Fix for load issue with Azure credentials
Restore: Fix for item ID restoring to a different destination for registered service
Restore: Fix for table restoration for feature service view processing
Restore: Fix for groups reporting owner as backup owner instead of token owner in createGroup
Restore: UserAgent fix for fetch upload
Restore Feature Service: fix for non-sequential IDs
Restore Feature Service: publish changes the service name if service name taken error occurs
Restore Feature Service: Fix for replace issues in updating sublayers
Restore Feature Service: Fixes for table feature service restoration
Restore Feature Service: Fixes for restoration to Enterprise versions from an ArcGIS backup with change tracking
Restore Groups: support for shared update groups and admin control groups
Restore Groups: Fixed group dependencies with gallery apps
Restore Groups: Fix for restoring groups with member names that have changed on the destination
Restore Groups: Fix for issue with adding users and items to groups
Restore Users: Fix for error creating new users with OAuth2WithCredentials
Restore Users: fix for an issue with usertypes
Restore Users: user restore now checks if user level update is necessary
Restore Users: fix for issue with updating user level in 10.6.1 machines
Restore Postprocessing: Fix for registered servce rewiring with data JSON
Restore Postprocessing: Fix for Feature Service View postprocessing crash while adding to service definition
Restore Postprocessing: Fix for rewiring web mapping apps and instant apps dependencies
Fix for determining dashboard version
Fixed Confirmation popup when adding more than a page of Users or Groups does not complete
Fix for CSV filter formatting
Better support for backing up and restoring Instant Apps
Fix for Restore Log deletion with incomplete db entry
Error handling for timeouts for the organization's cache
Fix for disk space checking network drive symbolic links
Fix for custom fetch headers
Fix for select all button for selection grids
Fix for issue with the export BMO logs button
Clean My Org Updates & Releases
Hotfix Release Notes
Fix for token expiration email notifications (.7)
PFX Certificate support for HTTPS (.6)
IWA ArcGIS Authentication fix (.6)
Only check token validity for allowed identities (.5)
Fix for an issue updating custom roles assignments with the deselect all checkbox (.4)
Fix for a login issue with custom roles (.3)
Fix for azure mail module (.2)
Fix for mailconfig templates (.1)
Fix for an issue with nodeconfig parameters (.1)
Release Notes
New Scans and Improvements
Scanning engine overhaul for increased speed and efficiency
New Item Scan: Items Containing the following string in their URL field
New Item Scan: Web map layers with mismatched IDs and URLs
New Item Scan: Services with or without Sync capabilities
Updated fetching for over 10,000 items
Optional Custom Role System for granular access to scanning and resolution actions
ArcGIS login authentication option
Additional Mail Options for Azure OAuth2
Capabilities checking improvement for indexed layers or empty layers or tables
Selection for titles, type and tags
Force delete for resolution items
Fix for crash in logging
Fix for crash during check for duplicate title, type and tags scan
Fix for resolution options not available after initial fix option taken
Items not accessed in X days: Fixes for WFS and Vector Tile Service item types
Services are/are not editable: enable apply fix button
Services are/are not editable: Fixed duplicate scan pass
Fix for IWA tokens in the scanning engine
Fix for items accessed issue
Debug logging for item access, item capabitilites, editable services
Invalid licensed identities now properly end scan and report why scan was ended
Fix for crash during group caching
Fix for resolution text box issues
Fix for CSV log issues with special characters
Scheduler Updates & Releases
Coming soon…
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