Enabling Security on a MongoDB Installation for Admin Tools for ArcGIS Enterprise Environment (for Versions Before 7.0)
NOTE: If you are running Clean My Org on the same server, this workflow may cause issues with the application unless you also follow the instructions for the relevant workflow for Clean My Org.
In Command Prompt, navigate to the MongoDB installation directory with mongo.exe, the default is
cd /D "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\5.0\bin"
from this directory in the command prompt to start the mongo shell. (Note: if you are already using authentication with mongo, you will need to log in with administrator credentials.)Type:
use AdminTools2
Copy and paste in the following lines:
db.createUser({"user": "admintoolsdb", "pwd":"yourpassword", roles: [{ role: "dbAdmin", db: "AdminTools2" }]})
db.grantRolesToUser("admintoolsdb", [ { role: "readWrite", db: "AdminTools2" } ])
to leave the mongo shell.To enable mongoDB with authentication, edit the file in the default mongo installation directory
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\5.0\bin\mongod.cfg
Find the line starting with #security and paste the following lines underneath it:
authorization: enabled
Save the file and close.
In the Admin Tools directory, edit the file called:
Edit the “url” line to read:
"url": "mongodb://admintoolsdb:yourpassword@localhost:27017/AdminTools2",
Save the file and close.
Open Windows Services and restart the “MongoDB Server” windows service.
Also, restart the “Admin Tools Server” windows service.
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