If You Receive "Error: Cannot Find Module"

If You Receive "Error: Cannot Find Module"

If you run the startup.bat & get an error similar to:

throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'express'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25)
at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Object.load (app-server/main.js:2:395)
at Ge (C:\admin-tools-server\dojo\dojo.js:2:9121)
at C:\admin-tools-server\dojo\dojo.js:2:7896
at u (C:\admin-tools-server\dojo\dojo.js:2:293)
at _e (C:\admin-tools-server\dojo\dojo.js:2:7736)
at ze (C:\admin-tools-server\dojo\dojo.js:2:8207)
Press any key to continue . . .

NOTE: The likely module will be ‘express’, but if any other module name appears there, the solution will be the same:

  1. Navigate to the app-server folder & open your command prompt from that directory (we recommend git bash)

    -Alternatively, open your cmd prompt & navigate to the app-server.

  2. Run the following command: npm install

  3. Restart your 'Admin Tools Server' service

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