Import Users from CSV : Admin Tools : Required Fields and Best Practices

Import Users from CSV : Admin Tools : Required Fields and Best Practices

AdminTools provides for users a powerful tool called "Import Users from CSV". In order to use this tool, the CVS file that you import must be structured a certain way and contain certain information. This guide will assist you in structuring your list of users and preparing them for import into your ArcGIS Organization.

Tips and Best Practices

License and User Type Management

  • When creating a new user through this tool, first ensure that your organization has the available roles and user types to assign.

    • Example: If your organization only has 1 “Creator” user type available, and you try to create 2 users as “Creator”, the tool will fail.

  • Pending member invitations count against available licenses. If you attempt to create a user through this tool, but the process fails, your organization may still consider the users you attempted to create as “pending members”. Be sure to clear out any unwanted pending invitations regularly.

  • The fields of “role”, “roleid”, “level”, and “userLicenseTypeId” can affect each other. Some User Types are not compatible with certain roles. Either ensure that these 4 fields are all compatible or change the roles and user types after creating the users.

Updating Existing Users

  • Usernames cannot be updated.

  • When updating existing users with this tool, include only the fields that you wish to change in the CSV file.

    • Example: If you are changing each user’s email address to a new domain, only include the “username” and “email” fields in the CSV file. The rest of the properties for that user will remain the same.

Required Fields 

There are 2 fields that are required. Without these two, the tool will fail to run and new users will not be created. 

NOTE: Field Names are case sensitive and must be input just as they are listed here. There will not be any spaces. 

The required fields are:

  • username

  • email

IMPORTANT: Username Information

In order for the tool to work correctly, a new user's username must be correctly formatted. According to Esri, a username:

"...must be unique and contain 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters. You can also use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, nonalphanumeric characters, and spaces are not allowed." and "The following characters are not allowed at the beginning or end of your username: . (dot), _(underscore), - (hyphen), and @ (at sign)."

Optional Fields That Can be Included. 

These fields are listed as "Optional" because all of the information that these fields provide can be added in manually, at any time, through the ArcGIS Organization's interface

NOTE: Field Names are case sensitive and must be input just as they are listed here. There will not be any spaces in the field names. 


The values for this field may contain capital letters and spaces. 


The values for this field may contain capital letters and spaces.


The values for this field may contain capital letters and spaces.


This field denotes the member role assigned to the user. It can be either one of the 6 default ArcGIS Roles or a custom role created within the ArcGIS Organization.

User Roles

For more information on User Roles, click HERE



This field contains the Role ID. Each role in an ArcGIS organization has a corresponding code/ID. All default ArcGIS roles have the same code, regardless of organization.

The default role ID codes are as follows:

Administrator – org_admin
Publisher – org_publisher
User – org_user

Custom roles within an organization will also have unique role IDs. 

Role ID Information

For more information on Role IDs and how to find them, click HERE

For an Esri article on Role IDs within the ArcGIS REST API, click HERE



Levels refer to a method formerly used by ArcGIS Online organizations to denote the difference between a creator and a viewer. AdminTools still accepts this input.

The values for this field are single digit integer values of either "1" or "2". 

1 = Viewer

2 = Creator


For more information on the previous implementation of levels, click HERE



User Type, in this instance alone, is associated with the user's Esri Access, which determines if they can only use ArcGIS Online, or if they can use the other Esri Platforms, like GeoNET. 

The accepted values for this field are either "arcgisonly" or "both"

If it's set to “arcgisonly”, that user can only access ArcGIS Online.

If it is set to “both”, they can access those other platforms (not to be confused with products)

ArcGIS and Esri Access

For more information on the difference between ArcGIS Only access and Esri access, click HERE



This field refers to a user's profile visibility and is similar to a user’s privacy setting.

The values for this field are one of three strings. They are: "public", "org", or "private". 

These values designate a user's profile as either Public, Organization Only, or Private, respectively. 

If it is set to Private, then their bio, etc. will not be available to others, and the username will not be searchable for other users.

If it is set to Public, then everyone can search the user.

If it is set to Org, then just those in the user's organization can search them

Profile Visibility

For more information on Profile Visibility and how to change it, click HERE



This field denotes a user's assigned license type. 

Values for this field are the following strings:

"creatorUT", "editorUT", "GISProfessionalAdvUT", "GISProfessionalBasicUT", "GISProfessionalStdUT", "viewerUT", "fieldWorkerUT", "liteUT", "basicUT", "standardUT", "IndoorsUserUT"

User License Types

For more information on User Types, click HERE

For more information on User Types within the ArcGIS REST API, click HERE



This field contains the names of groups the user is assigned to. 

The values for this field are the names of the groups separated by a comma.

Example: "Test Group 1,Test Group 2,Test Group 3,Double Test Group"


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