Why Admin Tools Can Only Be Used by Native Administrators

Why Admin Tools Can Only Be Used by Native Administrators

Data Security and Financial Considerations

Admin Tools for ArcGIS is designed to perform administrative operations in bulk by a trusted user of an organization, generally an Administrator. When using Admin Tools, a user could perform a number of potentially destructive operations that would heavily impact the security of an organization’s data, as well as the cost associated with their ArcGIS Organization. Some of these operations include:

  • Add or Remove Users from the ArcGIS Organization

  • Change User Roles

  • Update User Entitlements

  • Delete all of an Organization’s Items

  • Update ownership of all items all of an Organization

  • Share content with other Organizations

  • Share/Un-share all items in groups

  • Make content publicly available

Because Admin Tools provides these capabilities, our products only support users who have been entrusted with the ArcGIS Administrator role in an ArcGIS Organization. This must be an Administrator role (not a custom role). Custom roles that are given administrator privileges may not be able to perform all operations using Admin Tools.


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