How Do I Access Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online?
I have Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online, but how do I access it?
Follow the link that corresponds to the version of Admin Tools that you have installed:
Where can I download Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online?
Admin Tools for ArcGIS Online can be acquired through the ArcGIS Marketplace. You can get your copy of Admin Tools by selecting one of the following links below:
ArcGIS Marketplace: Admin Tools (Basic) - Free
ArcGIS Marketplace: Admin Tools (Pro)
Purchase Permissions for Users
Users must have appropriate user permission regarding marketplace purchases in order to get Admin Tools (Basic or Pro).
Even though Admin Tools (Basic) is free, it is still considered a “purchase” in the marketplace and requires the appropriate user permissions.
For more information about which users may make purchases in ArcGIS Marketplace, click HERE
About Security
If you have any concerns about allowing Admin Tools access to your ArcGIS Online Account, and what data GEO Jobe has access to, please visit our Data and Security FAQ.
Related articles
Admin Tools for ArcGIS FAQ
Admin Tools 2.0 Enterprise Installation Instructions